Fermanagh Genealogy Centre
Fermanagh Genealogy Centre are a charitable organisation run by volunteers who assist visitors to find their family history connections in Fermanagh by providing a free 30 minute face to face consultation meeting. This is a free signposting service where the volunteers outline the records available, their locations and possible avenues of research. Donations are appreciated. For further information please seeĀ www.enniskillencastle.co.uk/explore-more/fermanagh-genealogy-centreĀ View the website at: www.fermanaghgenealogy.org or contact the volunteers at fgcenquiry2012@hotmail.com or visit the Facebook page at www/facebook.com/fermanaghgc. Fermanagh Genealogy also organise talks in Enniskillen Library, run member events & trips and produce Journals, DVD's and information leaflets. Membership details can be found on the website or at meetings.
Price from £
There is no charge for the half-hour consultation, although we do welcome donations to help with the running of the Centre.

Fermanagh Genealogy Centre
Co Fermanagh
BT74 7HL