Montalto House Guided Tour

Montalto House

Montalto Estate
Co. Down
BT24 8PT

Your visit will begin with a warm welcome while you enjoy tea, coffee and homemade shortbread in the beautiful Montalto House. Following this, your guided tour will commence. This will enable you to explore the grandeur of this 18th century Georgian mansion along with its wonderful collection of original art and antiques.

You will move through the main rooms of the house including the Lady's sitting room with its original plastered ceilings by Robert West, created in 1758. During this time, you will be immersed in the history of Montalto as you hear many interesting and entertaining accounts of what life was like on the estate.Montalto House is not open to the public, so this truly provides a superb opportunity to enjoy something very special.Access via this ticket does not give access to the Trails & Gardens. If you wish to visit the Trails & Gardens, this can be purchased separately on our website or ticket office. 

Event Details:

Please arrive 30 minutes before the start of your House Tour. For this event, please enter the estate via the private entrance on Dromore Road and follow signs for Montalto House. There is no access to this event from the normal entrance on Spa Road. 

Entrance Fee

