St. Patrick’s Day Céilí with Ronán Eastwood & The Glengormley Céilí Band.


10 Exchange St, West
Co. Belfast

Monday 17 March | 1pm - 4pm

Venue: The MAC  

Free Entry 

Join in the fun this St Patrick’s Day with this all day family friendly céilí with one of Ireland’s finest Céilí callers and instructors.

Ronán Eastwood has taught Set Dancing & Ceili Dancing for over 30 years and has taught at festivals, workshops & Fleadhs all over Ireland, England, Europe, USA & Australia.  Ronán delivers the Set Dancing Masterclass at the very successful Belfast Tradfest Summer School.

No experience necessary & no partner needed.

Expert tuition on hand to help you join in on the fun.

It's great craic & a fantastic way to celebrate St Patrick’s Day!
