MOTHER'S DAY EVENT - Boards On The Bay

Greencastle Pier Road

Greencastle Pier Road, BT34 4LR
Co. Down
BT34 4 LR

An all inclusive experience, combining Paddle Boards, Art Sessions and local produce, all set in the absolutely STUNNING landscape of Carlingford Bay, the resting place of Irish Giant, Fionn Mac Cumhaill.


Immerse yourself in the "Giant" history of Carlingford Lough, glide along on gentle waters on your board, then create Art Work on the beach guided by Louise. Finish off with a fire and local food cooked on directly the coals - AMAZING!

Paddle Board session led by qualified and experienced local guides

A hands on Pebble Art session and frame to take home afterwards

Locally sourced food, cooked directly on the Beach in front of you


3 hours

Entrance Fee

