Ardtara Country House Hotel
Experience Complete Comfort at this mid Ulster Hotel in Northern Ireland
The elegant Ardtara Country House, is one of only six Northern Ireland properties included in Ireland’s most prestigious Hotel listing organization, the Blue Book Association. Ardtara, presents every guest with old world luxury and the highest quality of personal attention and service available in Ireland today. The house is furnished with owner collected antique furniture, and offers the latest in comfort, with large modern en-suite bathrooms and working fireplaces in the bedrooms. The grand views of the extensive lawn surrounded by magnificent oaks, birches and redwoods, opening out to the bucolic Irish countryside, imbues a sense of peace and tranquility unusual in today’s high intensity world.
Listed as the Most Romantic Hotel of the Year by the Automobile Association and as one of Fodor’s ‘Choice Hotels of Ireland,’ Ardtara blends the romance of the landed gentry lifestyle with the coveted seclusion of a country retreat. The nine guestrooms with their stunning hillside, mountain and farmland views across the immaculate lawn and flower garden, ensure complete tranquility. Ardtara has also received three AA Stars for accomodation, so you know that your stay at this Irish getaway will be wonderful.
Relaxed contentment is made complete with the award winning Irish cuisine decorated with two Automobile Association Rosettes, which takes advantage of the best of the local produce and a fine selection of wines.
Valerie Fearson
8 Gorteade Road
BT46 5SA