An Interview with James Huish ….

James Huish and his Michael Buble Tribute Band are returning to the Market Place Theatre in Armagh on Friday 11th November, for th first shot in the new tour – ‘The Coming Home Tour’, We caught up with the man himself to find out what makes him tick and what his plans are for the future.
How long have you been singing?
Wow. Since I was very little. I used to sit by the tumble dryer or the hoover and march the sound! It used to drive my mother mad. So you could say I’ve been singing for 35 years….I can’t ever remember a time when I didn’t sing.
If you had to choose would it be music or acting?
Good question. Music is in my blood so not singing isn’t even an option, combining the two is my ideal.
Tell us about a typical day in your life?
It varies. Most days are spent working in my theatre company, which offers classes for children aged 6-18 Years old. I spend my time speaking to parents, answering emails and making sure the team are ready for the next class. After that I take some time to go over the lines for a musical I am appearing in soon and then off to perform – My days are busy and I don’t get a lot of free time, but then I am doing what I love so its hardly difficult!
Can you tell us what musical you are preparing for?
Yes, I am currently rehearsing for Titanic the Musical – The opening show coincides with the actual sinking of the ship 100 years ago and is part of the centenary celebrations of 2012 – The show will be produced by the Belfast Operatic Society and I know it will be an amazing and emotional musical to be in, I’m honoured to be a part of it.
Tell us more about your theatre company for children
I established the Belfast School of Performing Arts just last year and it has already been more successful than I could have hoped for. There are currently classes taking place in both Belfast and Ballymena and I am looking forward to starting more classes in the new year in 2 other locations in Northern Ireland – There is a lot of talent out there and I want to make sure it isn’t wasted. My ultimate goal is to provide a musical theatre academy in Northern Ireland to rival the likes of Mountview in London.
How do you feel about your job?
What job? It feels wrong to call this a job, It’s my hobby, my passion and I get paid for doing it. I love what I do.
What gives you the biggest thrill in work?
Seeing children from my theatre school on stage and the excitement afterwards.
What’s your favourite Michael Buble hit?
Tough one! Well there are a few, I love singing ‘Cry Me a River’ the audience just loves that one but there are a few ballads too, particularly the old classic, ‘Your’e Nobody Until Somebody Loves You.’
What’s the best piece of advice you have ever been given / and the worst?
The best piece of advice is surely ‘Never give up, don’t let anybody put you off your dream, If you want it enough it will happen, but you have to believe it.’ The worst piece of advice I ever heard was undoubtedly ‘Leave it to me, trust me.’ Never leave it to someone else you have to make it happen yourself.
What is your favourite song of all time?
That would be ‘Fall at your Feet’ by crowded house. Neil Finn the songwriter is a huge inspiration of mine.
If you could have dinner with anyone, alive or dead, who would it be?
Three people. Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin and Sammy Davis Junior.
What are your ambitions?
My ambitions are to do my best in my field, I want to keep singing until the day I die! I will also make sure my children are happy and have all they need to live a fulfilled life. I also want to open a musical theatre degree course and academy of arts in the island of Ireland to provide more opportunities for this country.
What would you say your biggest achievement to date has been?
Becoming a father twice and opening my theatre schools.
What do you do to relax?
What does that mean?
What’s the daftest thing you have ever done?
Lay down on a skateboard and held on to the back of a bike. I still have the scar…

Best show on Broadway / West End?
My good friend and patron of my theatre company is Rachel Tucker. She us currently playing the lead role of Elphaba in the West End hit show Wicked. It is amazing.
What do you love about performing in Northern Ireland?
The audiences. People really appreciate fine music here and let you know if they don’t like something. I love the intimate theatres and really being involved with the audiences.
What is most important to you in life?
My 2 boys, as long as I’m a good father and my boys grow up with fond memories of me then I have done my job.
Do you have a life motto you live by?
Yes, I have two, ‘If you want it you have to believe it’ and ‘You’re a long time dead’.
James Huish and his Michael Buble Tribute Band will be performing at The Market Place Theatre in Armagh on 11th November, tickets are priced at £16.50 and can be booked online at or purchased by visiting the box office.
For more information on James and to keep up to date with tour dates please visit or follow him on Facebook.