In 2013 the Rainey Endowed School, Magherafelt will celebrate it’s 300th Birthday.
The Rainey 300 team have numerous exciting events and activities for everyone to get involved throughout 2013 and join in with pupils – old and new, to celebrate with a Gala Concert, a ‘Past & Present’ Sports Day and a Gala Dinner. The team also intend to publish a permanent memento in the form of a Rainey Endowed Memoirs book and aspire to leave a lasting legacy with a comprehensive list of contacts and details of Former Pupils.
One of the main purposes of the events is to identify former pupils who have distinguished themselves Academically ,in Sports and the Arts; as well as those who have made Social and Civic contributions and achievements in Business over the years, record them and celebrate the achievements and excellence of the Rainey and its pupils If you know of any former pupils who you feel should be recognised throughout any of these areas email us with further details.
Another objective of the celebrations is to forge much stronger links with past pupils by building a strong database of their details to keep them informed of the activities at the Rainey Endowed and update Rainey 300 about their achievements, or those of their contemporaries. Above all we would ask all Former Pupils to join the’ Former Pupils Association’ and provide full contact details and if possible those of their former classmates so that the Former Pupils Association can keep everyone informed of activities within the School.
During the Tercentenary year the Rainey will highlight the gratitude owed to the founder of the school – Hugh Rainey, a wealthy merchant in the Magherafelt district . In his Will, Hugh Rainey wrote “that what I have left may not only be for a generation or two, but that it may be for many not yet born “, and so ‘The Rainey’ was founded. A service of Thanksgiving will be held in 2013 to allow the local community to give their thanks towards the legacy of Hugh Rainey.
So if you are a former or current pupil and would like to get involved in Rainey 300 here’s how –
The Rainey Endowed Book will be published as a permanent souvenir of the Tercentenary and made available for sale during the year from the School, the Former Pupils Association and at many of the planned events.
A gala night will be held in the Grand Opera House, Belfast, on the 18th October 2013. The show “50 Shillings and a New Suit of Clothes” will be directed by Mr Ashley Fulton and will involve former Rainey pupils and some of our current pupils. The performance will include a massed choir, soloists, instrumentalists and scenes from various productions and dramas. This promises to be a spectacular event, drawing on all the rich talent of the Rainey school, past and present. If you or someone you know may be interested in taking part, please complete the online application form available from the school website and click on the link ‘50 Shillings and a New Suit of Clothes’.
There will be numerous sporting events featured among the activities such as a Rugby and Hockey Match with pupils past and present held on Friday 12th April 2013 with a Gala Dinner afterwards for invited guests involving pupils, members of School’s Cup teams throughout the years and those who have excelled in the field of sport.
An Open Day at the Rainey will also be held on Friday 29th September 2013 to allow former pupils to take a step back in time and meet former class members from years gone by.
If there is anything that past pupils feel they would like to include in our Rainey 300 Memoirs we would appreciate it if you could get in touch!
The Rainey 300 Team would like to appeal for as much information as possible to allow Former Pupils to engage much more extensively with the School and for the School to have a record of the fantastic achievements of former pupils of the Rainey Endowed.
For further details
Contact Victoria / Valerie Lynn at
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Add us on Facebook – Rainey 300