Who you gonna call? Movie House!

It was one of the most popular films of the 80s and now Ghostbusters is back on the big screen at  Movie House Cinemas for Halloween to celebrate the film’s 30th Anniversary.

It will be shown from Oct 30 to Nov 2 at Movie House Dublin Road, Cityside/Yorkgate, Glengormley and Coleraine.

It’s a chance to remember 1984 (the bad hair, the big shoulder pads and Sigourney Weaver turning into a dog – or Zuul the Gatekeeper of Gozer) or to introduce the younger generation to one of the most fun Halloween movies of all time.

In case you’ve forgotten, Bill Murray, Dan Aykroyd, Harold Ramis, and Ernie Hudson lead   the cast as the “Ghostbusters,” spirit-exterminators who fearlessly take on the other-worldly evil infiltrating Manhattan, whether it manifests itself as wicked green slime or an ancient tyrant back from the dead to take over the world. The spooktacularly successful franchise captured the imagination of audiences around the world and redefined the action-comedy genre in the process.

There’s lots going on at Movie House this Half Term so make sure to check out the  website at  www.moviehouse.co.uk to find out more.
Bring a friend, grab a popcorn and take your seat at Movie House!