To celebrate World Mental Health Day on Monday 10 October, Antrim Civic Centre, Ballyclare Town Hall Clock Tower and Mossley Mill will be lit up purple in support.

Antrim and Newtownabbey Borough Council have teamed up with Action Mental Health (AMH) New Horizons, Antrim to help raise awareness of their services to adults recovering from mental illness.
AMH New Horizons Antrim assists adults, recovering from mental ill-health, offering a range of person centred programmes in a friendly, relaxed atmosphere to support recovery. AMH provide a range of training programmes to help increase confidence and self-esteem, gain new skills and qualifications and improve career opportunities.
Mayor of Antrim and Newtownabbey, Councillor John Scott commented “one in five adults in Northern Ireland will show signs of a mental illness. I am delighted to be able to support AMH New Horizons Antrim, who offer hope to those affected by a mental illness”.
An art exhibition ‘Art as Therapy’ by Ross Thompson will run at Clotworthy House from Thursday 6 – Friday 14 October. Artist Ross Thompson from Coleraine is a service user who was supported by AMH New Horizons Antrim.
If you are unemployed, living with a mental illness and are interested in taking part in the New Horizons Employment Program, contact your Community Mental Health team, Condition Management team or Jobs and Benefits advisor, and ask for a referral to the service.