Hear the Stars in Antrim Castle Gardens

Antrim Castle Gardens will host aroundNorth by Robert Jarvis on Thursday 13 October from 6.30pm.

This unique sound installation using eight large speakers and  the medium of sound, interprets the movement of the stars as they traverse the sky in real time.

Stars passing virtual lines in the sky trigger musical notes whose qualities are informed by their brightness, size, temperature and distance from Earth, creating a mesmerising sound map of the universe as viewed from our turning planet.

This multi-speaker sound composition, launched by Armagh Observatory and award-winning sound artist and musician Robert Jarvis, gives listeners an inspiring acoustic experience of the movement of the stars across the night sky, demonstrating the continuous motion of stars in the near Universe.

This is an innovative outdoor educational facility available to all. A free workshop will also take place at 10.30am and a Science and Astronomy talk from 2-3pm, where Robert Jarvis will explain the process he used to create the work and track the movements of the stars.

For further information please contact Clotworthy House on 028 9448 1338