I’ll Tell My Ma is a hilarious one-woman show by Patricia Gormley charting the adventures and mis-adventures in the life of four generations of one West Belfast family.
Come meet 16 year old Davina Corrina a highly intelligent school girl with a penchant for Russian vodka and the high life, her Mother Chelsea Marie a 30 something with a tangled love life who is looking to join the “mile high” club as an air stewardess with CryinAir.
The lovable 60 year old Patricia who’s life has been turned upside down with tragedy but sees the way out by turning her life into a book and finally Granny Eileen the fiery 80 year old matriarch of the family who is coping with facebook, tweeting and her free bus pass.
Come and meet Belfast’s funniest, maddest and most lovable family,
Starring Christina Nelson (Handbag Positive) and directed by Alan McKee (History of the Peace, accordin to my Ma). Book your tickets today at www.themaclive.com