Heartbreak Productions presents the iconic tale, Wuthering Heights, at Bangor Castle Walled Garden, 18th July. Step into the desolate realm of Wuthering Heights, home to the Earnshaw family and the mysterious orphan, Heathcliff. While under the care of the wealthy Mr Earnshaw, Heathcliff’s relationship with the gentleman’s daughter, Catherine, blossoms into an unruly and passionate romance.
To celebrate Neil Armstrong’s One Giant Leap, Armagh Observatory will be showing the award winning 2018 movie ‘First Man’ at the Johnson Building, Shambles Yard, Friday 19th July. Ryan Gosling stars in the riveting story behind the first manned mission to the moon, focusing on Neil Armstrong and the decade leading to the historic Apollo 11 flight.
The Lady of the Lake Festival in Irvinestown, is celebrating its 41st anniversary and continues until the 21st July with a range of outdoor and indoor events taking place, including sports, music, dancing, arts & crafts, gardening and water sports.
In the double activity workshop of slime making and nerf games at Ranfurley House Dungannon this Saturday, children will be guided through the process of making their own slime and clay models, using air drying clay and a few safe everyday household ingredients, which they get to take home with them at the end.
The inaugural LegenDerry Street Food Festival will run from Friday 19th July to Sunday 21st July. Set in Guildhall Street this 3 day festival will bring together the very best of local street food, complemented by craft drink producers. Live DJ music sets, beers served from a double decker bus and a totally unique dining experience.
The Carryduff Forklift Down Rally is back at the Eikon Exhibition Centre and Balmoral Park this Saturday for a second year and promises to be an action packed day filled with adrenaline fuelled fun for all the family. Why not come along and avail of the free kids activities, including bouncy castles!
As excitement for The Open builds across Northern Ireland, The Lost City Adventure Golf at Cityside in Belfast is set to go ‘crazy’ to mark the momentous golf competition taking place on home soil. From Thursday 18th July to Saturday 21st July, NI’s first indoor adventure golf course will offer visitors dressed in ‘crazy golf’ gear a 20% discount after 12pm across the weekend.
For further details on these events and to add your events free go to Follow us on twitter @whatsonNI and on facebook at for news, competitions and what’s on near you.
Jacqueline McGonigle