Northern Ireland’s foremost physical theatre company, Bruiser, has announced that its production of Kat Woods’ engaging and relevant drama, Wasted, will embark on an NI-wide theatre tour in September 2024.

The production is set to visit The Theatre at the Mill, Newtownabbey; Down Arts Centre, Downpatrick; The Strule Arts Centre, Omagh; The Market Place Theatre & Arts Centre, Armagh and The MAC, Belfast.

Wasted, by award-winning playwright Kat Woods, is a socio-political play that explores themes of binge drinking and sexual assault. Join Oli, Emma, and their mates on a night out; drinking, flirting, and clubbing. It’s the morning after the night before and Oli and Emma try to piece together the night’s events through the blurry haze of a dubious hangover. Wasted illuminates that grey area in the sexual relationship after a few too many drinks. The characters are not sure what has happened; both suffering from post-alcoholic amnesia. They are both secure in the fact that sex happened but, where alcohol puts the female in a state unable, legally, to consent to sex, our characters continually ask ‘what happened’ as they are marched through the legal system.

Enniskillen playwright, Kat Woods says:

“[Wasted] is a story focusing on a minority voice represented on the stage based on true events. A minority voice that seems to reflect the majority, when it comes to consent and drunken sex.”

Caoileann Curry-Thompson, Arts Development Officer for Drama and Dance, Arts Council of Northern Ireland, said, “The Arts Council of Northern Ireland is delighted to support Bruiser thanks to game-changing funding from The National Lottery.  This new production demonstrates the power of the arts in giving people a voice, and in shining a light on important issues to create dialogue and positive social change.  We wish everyone involved great success with what promises to be a compelling and emotive performance and I would encourage everyone to go along.”

Lisa May, Bruiser’s Artistic Director said “Wasted is a raw and at times brutal piece that makes us feel uncomfortable. And we should. It is an extremely relevant and interventionist piece, which raises awareness of taboo subjects, sparking debate. Wasted has all the elements to attract new and diverse audiences; challenging, provoking, connecting and entertaining them in equal measure. It is brave, unapologetic storytelling at its best.”

Bruiser Theatre Company is renowned for its fast-paced, energetic, and engaging performances. Featuring fantastic local actors, Sharon Duffy and Warren McCook, and under the meticulous direction of Lisa May, Wasted promises to creatively explore the consequences of what can happen when lines, and memories, are blurred.

Wasted is supported by the National Lottery through The Arts Council of Northern Ireland, Halifax Foundation and Belfast City Council.

To book tickets for a performance of Wasted visit:
