Get Blogging Courses Launch In Northern Ireland Libraries

Libraries NI roll out new learning series with TrainingMatchmaker

Aspiring bloggers will have the opportunity to create, promote and deliver their own blog with a three-week, free course in Holywood and Belfast’s Lisburn road libraries.

Libraries NI has appointed to deliver the digitally focused workshops with expert Trainer – Chartered Marketer Christine Watson.

The ‘Get Blogging’ courses will offer training to help library users develop their skills and grow their confidence to enable them to become successful bloggers.

Margaret Bell, Deputy Head of Service, Libraries NI said: “We have been delighted with the success of the Blogging Inspiration events and the educational courses that have delivered so far and are confident that these new workshops will be a tremendous opportunity for library users to enhance their digital capability and grow their online footprint in a positive way.”

Trainer Christine Watson, who founded said that the course will benefit individuals, businesses, communities and charities.

“Over the three week programme the Get Blogging workshop will focus on helping attendees develop the skills relevant to the creation, distribution and monetisation of their blogs.”

There are many benefits from upskilling in the art of blogging including enhanced employability, proven digital competence, confidence, access to a peer community of bloggers, mental health and personal wealth.

The brand new three week courses follows a series of Blogging Inspiration Sessions, featuring active local bloggers in talks in libraries across Northern Ireland and an inaugural ‘Get Blogging’ programme in Lisburn City Library.

Christine said that getting online via a blog has many advantages.

“Active blogging helps individuals develop the specialist skills that many organisations and communities need to help keep pace with and benefit from the latest technology and working practices.

“Many businesses have reported that using blogs, as part of their digital marketing strategy, has helped sales growth, which they believe is directly attributable to improvement in the digital performance of their businesses coupled with a real sense of service by providing content sought on the web.”

Lisburn Road Library in south Belfast will host learners on February 26 and March 4 and 25. 

Holywood Library in south Down will host learners on March 5, 19 and 26.

These courses are free to attend and places will be allocated on a first come first served basis.

Individuals interested in participating in the free three week ‘Get Blogging’ course by for Libraries NI can find further information or register a place via