Expert Reveals How Women Can Achieve Hormone Harmony & Unleash Your Full Potential

Nutrition expert Sandra Miskimmin has revealed women should be treating their hormones as a superpower rather than as a taboo subject.

For many discussions about hormones become hushed conversations with lots of embarrassing whispers and confusion.

But Sandra, owner of SMASH Worldwide, a health and nutrition company which supports women through hormonal changes, believes by opening up the conversation about all hormones, it can open up a new way of life for women of any age.

Sandra is one of the speakers lined up to appear at the Mums At Work Elevate Your Business conference on Monday March 25.

Her talk, titled ‘Hormone Harmony to Maximise your Personal and Professional Goals’ will empower women to embrace their hormones rather than fear them. 

She explained: “It will help women to understand how each of the hormones respond in their body and more importantly, how to use their hormones to their advantage. 

“When women work with their hormones, rather than against them, it opens up a whole new world of opportunity. When this happens, women will become more successful in their personal, physical, and professional life.”

Speaking up and speaking out about hormone health is something Sandra is very passionate about.

“Women go through three major “Ps” when it comes to hormones. Puberty, pregnancy and perimenopause” said Sandra, adding: “Quite often we go through each phase confused and afraid to ask questions. 

“Teenagers, and even women, don’t seem to be able to talk about something that is so natural in our lives. We talk about the curse of having a monthly cycle and just get on with life as though it is something that we have to endure.

“Many women suffer through each of these phases and accept it as normal, but if you are experiencing uncomfortable symptoms in your body, it is a sign that you are not working in conjunction with your hormones, and your body is trying to signal this to you. 

“We should be able to breeze through each day, week, month and year, but nowadays, that tends not to happen.”

Sandra believes that by encouraging women to change their view as a society about their monthly cycles and the other hormones in their bodies they can start to live a lifestyle that supports their hormones and help them put the pieces of their health jigsaw together.

She said: “Not only will you feel amazing, but you will also become more productive, suffer less, know what foods to eat at what time of the month, know what kind of exercise to do each week and work towards your strengths.”

If you’re suffering from hormone imbalances here are Sandra’s top tips for helping to bring them back into balance:

  1. Food

“One of the most important pieces of your health jigsaw is the food that you eat,” said Sandra.

“Aim to eat a minimally processed diet, full of lots of variety. Focus on healthy sources of protein – either animal or plant based, healthy fats and nature’s carbs.  

“The closer you can get to the creation of your meals the better. By cooking for yourself you will be aware of the quality of the ingredients that you are eating and be able to control them better. 

“This will ensure that your leptin (feel full) hormone and ghrelin (hunger hormone) are kept under control.”

  1. Sugar

Sandra said it’s important to keep your blood sugars as balanced as possible. No one wants to be on a blood sugar rollercoaster. 

She added: “When on the blood sugar rollercoaster, not only can it lead to weight gain but it can also lead to inflammation in the body, cravings and energy fluctuations. 

“By keeping your blood sugars balanced, you will be keeping your insulin levels under control.”

  1. Stress

“As busy women in today’s society, it can be hard to control stress levels” explained Sandra, adding: “However, by taking 10 minutes to yourself each day you can have a major positive impact on your cortisol levels. 

“When cortisol is raised in the body, sleep is disrupted, belly fat is stored and we are continually in fight or flight mode. 

“10 minutes of self care each day will help to lower your cortisol levels and bring your body back to calm again.”

  1. Sleep

According to Sandra, having a good sleep hygiene routine is key to keeping your hormones balanced.  

She said: “By switching off from screens at least one hour before bed, not eating three hours before bed and sleeping in a cool room, you will have a much better night’s sleep. 

“This will enable your body to get into the rest and repair phase as you sleep and this will help to keep your ghrelin hormone under control. 

“If you’re not sleeping properly you are more likely to eat an extra 300 calories of food the day after – these foods tend to be high carb foods, which then can trigger more cravings.”

  1. Gut Health

“By eating a wide variety of plant based foods each week – aim for 30 – you will be providing the perfect microbiome for great gut health” said Sandra. 

“90-95% of your serotonin (feel good hormone) is made in the gut. If the gut is not healthy, this can then have an impact on your mental health.”

  1. Hydration

Keep it simple says Sandra: “Drink more water to help with your hormones and brain health. A two per cent reduction in hydration has been shown to have an impact on cognitive function.”

  1. Toxins

“Reduce your toxin exposure to help balance your hormones. Become aware of the potential endocrine disruptors that are in products that you are using” said Sandra.

“Change from using plastic water bottles and containers to using metal or glass containers. Use the Think Dirty App to check the toxicity of the beauty products that you are using and then swap for cleaner versions.”

  1. Exercise

Sandra says it’s time to tune in to where you are in your monthly cycle so ensure that you are working out in conjunction with your cycle rather than against it.  

She explained: “There are times of the month that you can ramp up your training and go for personal bests and there are times of the month when you need to take things easier.  

“By over exercising and not working with your cycle you risk increasing your cortisol levels and injury.”

Sandra will be revealing more tips for hormone help during her talk at the Mums At Work Elevate Your Business conference on Monday March 25.

For more information, to book a ticket or a stand go to >> or search for the event on Eventbrite.

Find out more about SMASH Worldwide at 

Essential Skincare & Tanning Tips To Unlock Radiant Skin Before 25

In the ever-evolving world of beauty and skincare, early habits set the stage for lifelong radiance and health. 

Navigating through the myriad of skincare advice, however, can feel like an overwhelming task, especially for those under the age of 25, standing on the cusp of change. 

This pivotal age marks a transition from the carefree routines of our teenage years, often characterised by minimal, if not simplistic, skincare approaches, to a more conscious and informed regimen that addresses the onset of adult skin concerns such as sun damage, age spots, and fine lines.

Belfast beauty expert Lynsey Bennett of Lusso Tan, who will be speaking at the Mums At Work Elevate Your Business conference on Monday March 25, believes the foundation of good skincare is not just about the products we use but understanding how they interact with our skin. 

She explained: “Our 20s are a critical time for establishing skincare routines that not only prevent premature ageing but also enhance our natural beauty.

“This philosophy extends beyond skincare into the realm of tanning, where the quality of one’s skin can significantly impact the outcome of tanning products, leading to either a flawless golden glow or a patchy tan that falls short of expectations.”

Having a good skincare routine is vital to perfecting your tanning routine.

Here are Lynsey’s top three tips for unlocking radiant skin before you’re 25:

  1. Exfoliation: The First Step to a Flawless Glow

“Nothing works without exfoliation” explained Lynsey.

“The journey to luminous skin and a seamless tan begins with the removal of dead skin cells.

“Exfoliation is paramount. It’s about creating the perfect canvas for both skincare and tanning products by removing the barrier of dead cells that dull our complexion and obstruct product absorption.

“This crucial step ensures that your skin not only benefits fully from your skincare routine but also achieves that even, smooth tanned look we all desire.”

  1. The Magic of Hyaluronic Acid

“Hyaluronic acid is a hydration powerhouse” said Lynsey, adding: “Hyaluronic acid has become a buzzword for hydration, but its effectiveness is dependent on the presence of moisture. 

“To truly tap into the moisturising power of hyaluronic acid, apply it to damp skin and follow up with a mist to lock in the hydration.

“This technique ensures that hyaluronic acid can draw moisture from the environment and deeper layers of the skin, leading to a plumped, smooth surface that’s ideal for tanning.”

  1. The Shield of SPF

“SPF is your skin’s best defence” said Lynsey.

“Up to 90% of skin ageing is within your control and directly linked to sun exposure.

“Incorporating SPF into your daily routine is not just about preventing ageing; it’s a critical measure against skin cancer. 

“Choosing sunless tanning as a safe alternative to sunbathing is a testament to loving your skin and prioritising its health over temporary aesthetics.”

Lynsey Bennett has built a successful brand in the competitive beauty market. Her accomplishments with Lusso Tan and her advocacy for women in business have established her as a respected figure in both the beauty and business communities. 


At the Mums At Work Elevate Your Business conference on Monday March 25, her talk, titled ‘How to keep going when nothing is going right’ will offer practical strategies for maintaining resilience and determination in the face of adversity. 

Drawing from her own experiences, Lynsey aims to equip attendees with the tools and mindset needed to navigate life’s challenges and emerge stronger.

For more information, to book a ticket or a stand at the Elevate Your Business event on March 25th go to >> or search for the event on Eventbrite.

Find out more about Lusso Tan at 

11 Administrative Challenges Small Businesses Face & How to Overcome Them

In today’s rapidly evolving business landscape, small businesses are facing an unprecedented array of challenges. From navigating the complexities of technology and compliance to fostering meaningful customer relationships and managing a dispersed workforce, the hurdles can seem insurmountable. 

These challenges also present unique opportunities for growth, innovation, and strengthening resilience. As the backbone of the economy, small businesses possess the agility and creativity needed to turn these obstacles into stepping stones towards success.

The administrative side of running a small business, often viewed as a mundane but necessary evil, has evolved into a critical component of strategic planning and operational efficiency. Effective management of administrative tasks not only ensures the smooth running of daily operations but also frees up valuable resources that can be invested in growth and development initiatives. 

Achieving this level of efficiency requires a nuanced understanding of the problems at hand, as well as innovative solutions tailored to the specific needs of a business. This is where specialised administrative support comes in.

For many businesses employing a full or part time admin assistant isn’t feasible but can often be the one thing that’s holding their business back.

County Derry company AdminAnswers NI, founded by retail banking and admin experts Roisin McAteer and Maria McLaughlin, has become the adhoc answer many businesses need. They offer support and guidance for small businesses navigating the intricate maze of administrative challenges.

Ahead of taking part in an expert panel at the Mums At Work Elevate Your Business conference on Monday March 25 at the Tullyglass Hotel in Ballymena, Roisin and Maria have outlined some of the most common administrative challenges small businesses face and how they can overcome them.

  1. Time Management

Small businesses frequently struggle with juggling multiple tasks effectively. 

Maria McLaughlin advises: “Prioritising tasks based on urgency and importance can drastically improve time management. 

“Utilising AdminAnswers NI Ltd’s tailored support allows business owners to focus on what they do best – driving their business forward.”

  1. Efficient Communication

With the digital age accelerating the pace of business, maintaining efficient communication can be daunting. 

Roisin McAteer explained: “Leveraging technology and establishing clear communication channels can significantly enhance efficiency. 

“Taking the time out to understand what tools are available for your business may feel like it is time consuming now but future you will be grateful!”

  1. Financial Management

Keeping on top of finances is crucial for any small business. 

“Regular financial reviews and employing the right tools for budgeting and forecasting are key,” said Maria. 

“Growth and stability for any business can only happen when you truly understand the numbers and keep a close eye on how your business is performing and recognising any changes in that, whether positive or negative.”

  1. Customer Relationship Management

Building and maintaining strong customer relationships is vital for success. 

“Personalisation and timely follow-ups are essential. Our approach is to integrate CRM solutions that not only improve relationships but also drive repeat business” said Roisin, adding: “It’s easy to get lost in doing the work, but managing your customers effectively can make gaining repeat business and referrals much easier.”

  1. Delegation of Tasks

Many small business owners find it hard to delegate tasks. 

Maria said: “Identifying the right tasks to delegate and to whom is crucial. At AdminAnswers NI we find this is one of the hardest things for small businesses to overcome.

“We foster a culture of partnership, trust and efficiency, ensuring that your business operates smoothly.

“Sometimes business owners have to work on themselves before they can work on the business, it can be difficult to hand the reins over for something you have been doing yourself for a long time, especially if you have your own quirky way of doing it.”

“I would always suggest that people prefer doing the thing they’re good at and by handing off the things they don’t like or that are time consuming, they get more time to spend on the part of the business they fell in love with in the first place.”

  1. Compliance and Regulations

Staying abreast of regulations and compliance can be overwhelming. 

“It’s about staying informed and proactive,” said Roisin. 

“Many businesses find it hard to navigate the language, changing nature and maintenance of their compliance administration. 

“Our team offers guidance and support to navigate the complex landscape of regulations, ensuring peace of mind.”

“Having a robust system of keeping on top of compliance may take time now, but it will streamline your renewals and management for the future.”

  1. Talent Recruitment and Retention

Finding and keeping the right talent is a challenge. 

Roisin said: “Offering the right incentives and creating a positive work culture are key strategies. 

“Many business owners can get lost in getting the work done that they forget to spend time nurturing the staff they have. Having a system in place or someone in place to do this can ease the pressure and stress on a business owner.”

  1. Adapting to Technological Changes

Technology evolves at a rapid pace, and staying current can be daunting for small businesses. 

Maria explained: “Embracing technological advancements can significantly enhance operational efficiency. At AdminAnswers NI Ltd, we guide our clients through selecting and implementing the most appropriate technologies for their businesses, ensuring they remain competitive.

“Being on top of these advances, just like when it comes to new CRM systems, can often be the make or break of a business over time.”

  1. Crisis Management and Resilience

Unexpected challenges such as economic downturns or global crises can severely impact small businesses. 

“Developing a robust crisis management plan is key to navigating tough times” said Roisin.

“Many business owners don’t have the skills or knowledge to be able to create and execute contingency plans at short notice.

“Having a team in place to help with this can give a business owner peace of mind.”

  1. Effective Marketing Strategies

Developing and executing effective marketing strategies can be a significant challenge for small businesses with limited budgets. 

“Identifying the most effective channels and tactics for your target audience is crucial,” said Maria. “Our expertise in marketing support can help you increase your visibility and attract more customers without breaking the bank.”

“Whilst many business owners have great marketing ideas and often know exactly what will help to bring customers in and raise awareness of their business, they seldom have the time to execute their ideas in full leaving them frustrated and feeling overwhelmed.”

  1. Work-Life Balance

“Maintaining a healthy work-life balance is a challenge many small business owners face”, said Roisin.

“It’s important to remember that your well-being is essential to your business’s success. 

“Business owners need to learn to identify the right tasks to delegate and take time to recharge so that they are on top form all the time.”

“Having more time to focus on what really matters very often leads to a more successful business overall.”

Roisin and Maria will be giving more advice out from the expert panel at the Mums At Work Elevate Your Business conference on Monday March 25 at the Tullyglass Hotel in Ballymena.

For more information, to book a ticket or a stand at the Elevate Your Business event on March 25th go to >> or search for the event on Eventbrite.

Find out how AdminAnswers NI can support your business at 

Down Right Incredible: Belfast Musician Releases Single In Aid of Down Syndrome Charities

Belfast musician Stefan Murray, 51, has released a single in aid of Down Syndrome charity Down Right Incredible and Hanwood Down Syndrome Football Club. 

The single, Down Right Incredible, was inspired by Stefan’s own experience. His two-year-old son Killian was born with Down Syndrome after being told he had a one in seven chance of having the condition. 

Killian had a heart problem with an aortic arch which constricted his breathing with his life having to be saved on numerous occasions by staff at the Royal Victoria Hospital. 

“Killian is two years of age but he’s more like a 6 month old because of his C.V.I (Cerebral visual impairment) and Down Syndrome. He still can’t talk or walk”, said Stefan.

“His first year was very hard because of his breathing problem so he spent it in hospital pretty much. But now he smiles, laughs and plays and melts our hearts. We are so lucky to have him.”

Down Right Incredible, based in Saintfield, is a charity close to Stefan’s heart: “They run days out for families with kids with Down Syndrome. The kids get the chance to hang out with siblings so they can experience ‘normal’ kids and vice versa.

“This environment is beneficial for kids with no special needs and the ones with the extra chromosome because they learn that being different is not a bad thing.

“Support groups are an amazing thing where you meet parents who have gone through what you have and give you information on help available and what you will experience next. It’s priceless.”

This was the inspiration for Down Right Incredible, a song that came to Stefan in a dream. 

“I woke up one morning from a dream where I wrote a song. I picked up the guitar and wrote Down Right Incredible. 

“I then asked the Facebook community for help with the song. When it came to getting the band together, I supported Pat McManus and Toby Jepson in the past so I was cheeky and just asked. The other guys are friends that just wanted to help after seeing my appeal on Facebook. I did the writing session with my friends Phil, Alan and Keith from a band called Blind Muse.

“I couldn’t have done it without them.”

The single will also raise funds for the Down Syndrome Football Club at Hanwood, East Belfast. Run by ​​ex-Linfield and Glentoran professional football player Norman Kelly, Oscar winner James Martin coaches at the club. 

Recorded at Einstein Studios in Antrim and produced by Frankie McClay, Stefan is not alone on the single, with many other musicians featuring on the track. Planet Rock DJ Toby Jepson lends his vocals. 

Texan drummer Dustin Gauvain also on the song: “I’ve known Stefan for over 20 years. I’ve shared my music and vice versa over the years with him. Then when the opportunity came around to finally collaborate I didn’t even think twice. 

“My love for him and his family was all the motivation I needed to help out a brother in need. Killian means a ton to me and I knew helping bring awareness through my craft was a way I could give back to him and other kids going through the same things.” 

Baz Francis also features along with Pat McManus of Mamas’ Boys on fiddle with bass coming from Jim Seymour of local band Sinocence. Baz has known Stefan for over a decade: “his immediate generosity towards me is something that I’ve always remembered and has eventually led to my involvement in his ‘Down Right Incredible’ single. 

“As someone who’s got a cousin with Down Syndrome, the matter at hand here is one that is close to my heart, so it was a pleasure to sing for both the cause and the people involved in this project.”

Down Right Incredible is available to download from Bandcamp. All proceeds will go to Down Right Incredible and Hanwood Down Syndrome football club.

Full Line Up Revealed For Mums At Work Elevate Your Business Event

Inspiring business women from across Northern Ireland are set to speak at Mums At Work CIC’s Elevate Your Business event, happening later this month.

The event aims to uphold the vision of its late founder, Sinead Norton, by providing a supportive and nurturing environment for women in business. Taking place from 10am-4pm on Monday 25th March at the Tullyglass Hotel in Ballymena, the event is designed for business women who want to take their business to the next level. 

The speakers at the event will provide inspirational stories of business growth, resilience, personal brand, and transformation.

The event is the brainchild of energetic and passionate businesswoman Sinead Norton who created the network and its events as a way to help support and nurture women in all types of roles and businesses across the country.

Sadly, Sinead passed away last November following a battle with cancer, however, speaking about the network she previously said: “I’m a mum of seven and when I owned a large thriving and multi award winning wedding business, I quickly realised that survival is dependent on past brides and other suppliers referring you. 

“I wanted to create a space where business women working on their own could come together to stay motivated and work towards their dreams.” 

Elevate Your Business has become an annual Mums At Work event attracting hundreds of like-minded women who attend the event, speak at it and who exhibit their businesses in the trade area.

According to Director Danielle Norton, Sinead’s daughter, it’s an opportunity for women to “exchange ideas, share experiences, and learn from one another”.

Taking to the stage on the day are:

Ursula McKinney of Media Lab NI is a seasoned entrepreneur and marketer with over 20 years of experience in PR, branding, marketing, and event management. With a career that has included collaborations with major global brands such as Hilton, Coca-Cola, and Google, Ursula has earned recognition as a leader in the field. 

As the co-founder of Media Lab NI, a professional content creation and event marketing company, Ursula is well-equipped to share her journey to entrepreneurial success.

In her talk, ‘Creating Your Own Journey’, she will be revealing the key sales and marketing tactics that you can use in your own business to drive more success. 

Ursula said: “I hope that people can be inspired by my story and utilise my business tips and advice to achieve success in their own business. 

“The life of a female entrepreneur can be very isolated but Sinead made Mums At Work a thriving environment that offers unrivalled support and made it cost-effective for every business owner to be a part of.

“It is invaluable for growing your network and your business”.

Lynsey Bennett is co-founder of Lusso Tan, a luxury salon, and at-home self-tanning brand and a prominent figure in the beauty industry.

Renowned for her business acumen and commitment to empowering female beauty business founders, Lynsey has built a successful brand in the competitive beauty market. Her accomplishments with Lusso Tan and her advocacy for women in business have established her as a respected figure in both the beauty and business communities. 

Her talk, titled “How to keep going when nothing is going right,” will offer practical strategies for maintaining resilience and determination in the face of adversity. Drawing from her own experiences, Lynsey aims to equip attendees with the tools and mindset needed to navigate life’s challenges and emerge stronger.

Susan Steele of Performance Breakthrough has over 14 years of experience through her own company Performance Breakthrough, which was born through her own experiences with her two sons. After experiencing first hand what happens when children do not reach their full potential, Susan knew something had to change. 

Performance Breakthrough is a company dedicated to unlocking the potential of children and adults who want to enhance their performance in sports and education, while also dealing with the root cause of emotional and behavioural issues.

In her interactive talk, “Perform It Better”, Susan will be explaining why some children have great difficulty concentrating on tasks and why some get very frustrated or anxious about the little things. She will give you practical tips on how to create a calmer home. 

Speaking about her talk, Susan explained: “I want people to come away from my talk with three main things: relief that they are good parents and that there is a scientific reason for the challenging traits their children display. An understanding that there is a natural solution that will produce permanent, positive results for their children and family as a whole.

And excitement that their wonderful, intelligent child can have a bright, happy future.” 

Grace Smith is the founder of forge female fitness. 

After losing her father at 21, and losing 156lbs within 12 months, Grace decided to help others achieve their goals and now runs three successful coaching businesses, transforming thousands of women’s lives over the last 8 years.

Forge Female Fitness is the North Coasts No.1 Ladies Training Studio, sculpting confidence, building strength and fostering community. We help women restore their confidence, health and happiness, and make positive long-term lifestyle changes, so they can take on life feeling mentally and physically strong, energised and fulfilled.

In her talk, “From Transformation To Triumph”, Grace will share how to use your background, experiences, and personality to boost your business and build a loyal community.

Speaking about her talk, Grace said: “I want people to feel inspired to use their experience and unique personality to further build their brand and business and not be scared to take risks and back themselves, along with practical tips on how to take what they’ve learnt and apply it straight into their business.”

Sandra Miskimmin is the founder of SMASH Worldwide (Sandra Miskimmin’s Alternative Solutions for Health), which aims to help women who are suffering with health and weight concerns. 

Having lived with chronic back pain, numerous conditions and being classed as clinically obese in 2013, Sandra undertook a dramatic change to her lifestyle and health and turned her life around. As a result of this, she went back to school and retrained in nutrition, weight management, naturopathy and behavioural change. 

She is passionate about educating women on how to implement easy strategies into their lives so they and their families can live a healthier life in the long run.

Her talk, titled “Hormone Harmony to Maximise your Personal and Professional Goals” will empower women to embrace their hormones rather than fear them. It will help women to understand how each of the hormones respond in their body and more importantly, how to use their hormones to their advantage. 

When women work with their hormones, rather than against them, it opens up a whole new world of opportunity. When this happens, women will become more successful in their personal, physical, and professional life. 

Sandra said: “When I first joined the network, I was terrified of going to networking events. However, the community is so welcoming, that I grew to look forward to going to them and now embrace them.

“MAW has given me the confidence to network and perfect my 60 second introduction so I can now do it anywhere with ease. I highly recommend this network to any woman who is thinking about joining it.”

Tina Calder, founder and chief vision officer of Excalibur Press began her career in journalism. In more recent years, she has become an expert in sales conversion, copywriting, thought leadership, brand storytelling, and content and marketing strategy, as well as being a trainer and speaker.

Tina uses her own unique and creative approach to stimulate innovative thinking and idea creation which goes beyond the traditional corporate constraints while keeping a focus on strategic objectives.

In her talk, ‘Building A Personal Brand: The Importance Of Standing Out From The Crowd’, she will be taking you on a whirlwind tour of the importance of building a personal brand and revealing her top tips, tricks and techniques for standing out and being memorable.

Along with examples from her own personal journey, Tina will outline the pitfalls and risks of raising your profile whilst demonstrating the opportunities and benefits of taking the leap into the public eye.

She said: “I hope that my talk will help businesswoman understand the importance of a personal brand and why it’s more important than ever before to consider how you present yourself to the world.

“Being authentic is a buzz phrase used so often these days that people forget what it really means, learning to be your authentic self whilst carrying a personal brand can often be a daunting experience.

“I hope attendees at the Mums At Work Elevate Your Business event will go away feeling much more confident about crafting and honing their personal brand.”

This year’s event will also include a panel discussion hosted by TEDX speaker and entrepreneur Emma Weaver of Mental Wealth International.

Taking to the panel are Stefany Watson from Digital Ghost NI and Maria McLaughlin and Roisin McAteer from Admin Answers NI.

Speaking of the session, Maria said: “I hope women who are attending can identify with our experiences of running and setting up in business as well as get some good hints/tips on being more organised in their business.”

During the panel attendees will get the opportunity to ask questions about how to move forward in their business, troubleshoot your processes or simply find out something they’ve been wanting to know about admin, marketing or digital.

According to Mums At Work Director Danielle Norton, Elevate Your Business is an opportunity for women to “exchange ideas, share experiences, and learn from one another”.

She added: “The purpose of the Elevate Your Business events is for women to have a chance to meet other women who are looking to grow their businesses. 

“It is a welcoming and supportive environment for women to feel comfortable and gain confidence.  We hope the attendees will make new connections, receive referrals and increase their brand visibility. We also hope they leave feeling inspired and motivated by our speakers who will give valuable insight and tips on how to take your business to the next level.”

For more information, to book a ticket or a stand at the Elevate Your Business event on March 25th go to >> or search for the event on Eventbrite.

Jubilee Farm Launches First Supper Club Featuring Sustainable Local Pork at Hillmount House In Larne

Jubilee Farm is welcoming you to be part of their community and join them at their first Supper Club on Saturday April 27 dedicated to local, sustainable pork.  

As Northern Ireland’s first community owned farm, it promotes knowing where your food comes from, high-welfare, free-range and chemical free.  A co-operative model based on community involvement, the heritage pigs raised at Jubilee Farm are sustainable and truly represent a short farm to fork journey.

Partnering with Hillmount House in Larne on the Causeway Coastal Route, a private Georgian residence, guests will receive the usual warm welcome as the are delighted in a culinary adventure in the modern barn for over 100 guests.  Hillmount House launched their pop-up Supper Club dining portfolio in Autumn 2023, supporting local chefs and restaurants to celebrate local NI food, with each night a sell-out success.  

The trifold delivery of this exclusive event welcomes Chef Rob Curley of Slemish Market Supper Club, who has designed a menu to receive and enjoy pork in each course. An expert at pop-up dining experiences, for Chef Rob, the aim of the dishes on the menu is for each plate to tell a story. Every ingredient is chosen to paint a picture in the diner’s mind and spark their imagination as well as their palate.  

Chef Rob Curley said: “A Supper Club in its very nature invites you to trust the imagination of the Chef whilst simultaneously enjoying high quality, fresh local food that is delicious.  Our final course on the menu, a Hazelnut & Lard Cake with Rhubarb Compote, presented as ‘Bacon from Heaven’ may just be the lightest cake you will ever eat, we promise.”

These Little Piggies Went to Market pop-up dining Supper Club is taking place at Hillmount House, Larne on April 27 at 7pm arrival.  

Portia Woods, Marketing Manager at Jubilee Farm added: “It is of great pleasure we can work together in partnership with a local venue and local chef to deliver a story of high-welfare, sustainable food.  

“Having grown up in a market town I relate fondly to the memory of farming heritage and sale of animals on market day.  As well as being passionate about slow food I wanted to present a Supper Club that would ignite more conversation about food. I often wonder, are many divorced from where real food comes from, our rural and farming heritage? 

“That we just hear stories of ‘market days’ or for some of us, from first-hand experience we are the lucky ones who can reminisce. On the evening of the Supper Club we will present a short story of ‘Market News’ and delight diners with a six course pork menu.  

“The pork on the plate will be from the pasture-raised, organic-fed pigs of Jubilee Farm where high-welfare care is a daily task of the farmer and volunteers.  There are many aspects of Jubilee Farm to relate to, from its conservation plan, regenerative farming principles, social care farming, community involvement, to how it operates day to day, providing citizens with access to traceable, ethical slow food.”

Tickets are £49pp with entertainment to follow dining.  All bookings can be made by contacting

Local Entrepreneurs To Share Their Journey & Expertise At Mums At Work Elevate Your Business Event

A whole host of local entrepreneurs are set to take to the stage at the Mums At Work Elevate Your Business event later this month.

Sandra Miskimmin of SMASH Worldwide and Tina Calder of Excalibur Press will be delivering talks throughout the day while Stefany Watson from Digital Ghost NI and Maria McLaughlin and Roisin McAteer from Admin Answers NI will join a panel of businesswomen hosted by Emma Weaver of Mental Wealth International.

Mums At Work, a Community Interest Company focused on empowering women in business, is thrilled to unveil new three speakers for their upcoming Elevate Your Business event happening later this month.

Taking place on Monday, March 25th, at the Tullyglass Hotel in Ballymena the Elevate Your Business event aims to uphold the vision of its late founder, Sinead Norton, by providing a supportive and nurturing environment for women in all areas of business.

Sandra Miskimmin is the founder of SMASH Worldwide (Sandra Miskimmin’s Alternative Solutions for Health), which aims to help women who are suffering with health and weight concerns. 

Having lived with chronic back pain, numerous conditions and being classed as clinically obese in 2013, Sandra undertook a dramatic change to her lifestyle and health and turned her life around. As a result of this, she went back to school and retrained in nutrition, weight management, naturopathy and behavioural change. 

She is passionate about educating women on how to implement easy strategies into their lives so they and their families can live a healthier life in the long run.

Her talk, titled “Hormone Harmony to Maximise your Personal and Professional Goals” will empower women to embrace their hormones rather than fear them. It will help women to understand how each of the hormones respond in their body and more importantly, how to use their hormones to their advantage. 

When women work with their hormones, rather than against them, it opens up a whole new world of opportunity. When this happens, women will become more successful in their personal, physical, and professional life. 

Sandra said: “When I first joined the network, I was terrified of going to networking events. However, the community is so welcoming, that I grew to look forward to going to them and now embrace them.

“MAW has given me the confidence to network and perfect my 60 second introduction so I can now do it anywhere with ease. I highly recommend this network to any woman who is thinking about joining it.”

Tina Calder, founder and chief vision officer of Excalibur Press began her career in journalism. In more recent years, she has become an expert in sales conversion, copywriting, thought leadership, brand storytelling, and content and marketing strategy, as well as being a trainer and speaker.

Tina uses her own unique and creative approach to stimulate innovative thinking and idea creation which goes beyond the traditional corporate constraints while keeping a focus on strategic objectives.

In her talk, ‘Building A Personal Brand: The Importance Of Standing Out From The Crowd’, she will be taking you on a whirlwind tour of the importance of building a personal brand and revealing her top tips, tricks and techniques for standing out and being memorable.

Along with examples from her own personal journey, Tina will outline the pitfalls and risks of raising your profile whilst demonstrating the opportunities and benefits of taking the leap into the public eye.

She said: “I hope that my talk will help businesswoman understand the importance of a personal brand and why it’s more important than ever before to consider how you present yourself to the world.

“Being authentic is a buzz phrase used so often these days that people forget what it really means, learning to be your authentic self whilst carrying a personal brand can often be a daunting experience.

“I hope attendees at the Mums At Work Elevate Your Business event will go away feeling much more confident about crafting and honing their personal brand.”

This year’s event will also include a panel discussion hosted by TEDX speaker and entrepreneur Emma Weaver of Mental Wealth International.

Taking to the panel are Stefany Watson from Digital Ghost NI and Maria McLaughlin and Roisin McAteer from Admin Answers NI.

Speaking of the session, Maria said: “I hope women who are attending can identify with our experiences of running and setting up in business as well as get some good hints/tips on being more organised in their business.”

During the panel attendees will get the opportunity to ask questions about how to move forward in their business, troubleshoot your processes or simply find out something they’ve been wanting to know about admin, marketing or digital.

According to Mums At Work Director Danielle Norton, Elevate Your Business is an opportunity for women to “exchange ideas, share experiences, and learn from one another”.

She added: “The purpose of the Elevate Your Business events is for women to have a chance to meet other women who are looking to grow their businesses. 

“It is a welcoming and supportive environment for women to feel comfortable and gain confidence.  We hope the attendees will make new connections, receive referrals and increase their brand visibility. We also hope they leave feeling inspired and motivated by our speakers who will give valuable insight and tips on how to take your business to the next level.”

For more information, to book a ticket or a stand at the Elevate Your Business event on March 25th go to >> or search for the event on Eventbrite.

Last Chance To Enter Remarkable Marketing Awards

There’s just one day left to enter Northern Ireland’s inaugural marketing awards aimed at recognising the talent and hard work of individual marketers across the country.

Nominations for the The Remarkable Marketing Awards are now open until midnight 14th March. It’s completely free to enter and there are just three questions to answer, which will be judged by a panel of industry experts from outside of Northern Ireland. 

The Remarkable Marketing Awards which are the brainchild of marketer Treena Clarke, founder of the hugely popular annual Big Marketing Meet Up conference will be held on Friday 31st May at the Europa Hotel in Belfast.

Speaking of the extension for nominations, Treena said: “We’re not surprised by the interest in the awards, the Northern Ireland marketing industry has been crying out for a way to acknowledge the fantastic work done by individuals across the sector.

“We want to make sure everyone who wants to enter is given the opportunity.”

Hosted by communicator and presenter, Emer Maguire, the RMA’s are calling on all marketers and their teams to blow their own trumpets and nominate themselves or their colleagues to be recognised for their creativity, innovation and marketing successes.

Leading the judging panel is Walter Campbell, one of the most award-winning creative thinkers and inspirational ECD’s in advertising. Best known for his TV work, his film “Surfer” for Guinness was voted Best Commercial of All Time by the UK public. 

Walter is joined by judges from across Europe including Sara Riis-Carstensen, who has worked with iconic brands including Lego, DeBeers and Lufthansa and Steve Brown who led the comms strategy for Absolut Vodka as well as previously judging the Drum Marketing Awards.

Asked what he’s looking to see from the entrants, Steve said: “I’m looking for bold and impactful actions that demonstrate a clear and nuanced understanding of target audiences and showcase your remarkable work over the last 12 months.”

With 20 categories to choose from across 15 business sectors and five team and individual marketer awards, there is something for everyone at the RMA’s. Awards include categories for Technology and Innovation Sector, Charity and Not for Profit Sector and Media and Creative sector among others.

About the awards, Treena said: “The Remarkable Marketing Awards are a celebration of the people behind groundbreaking initiatives. These awards are not about brands, channels or tactics, they’re about you – the visionary marketer.” 

Expected to be a night of fun and excitement, the night begins at 6pm for pre-event drinks before the ceremony begins at 7pm. After the event, guests are more than welcome to stay for some entertainment and music from The String Ninjas until midnight. 

If you’re a class first marketer producing class remarkable work, then entering this event should be a no-brainer. You can also nominate a worthy colleague, make a name for yourself and enter today.

The RMA’s are sponsored by headline sponsors Card Group Research and Insight, along with category sponsors Excalibur Press, Horrible and Mrktsearch. 

To enter, buy tickets or find out more go to

Performance & Fitness Speakers To Take To The Stage At Mums At Work Business Event

Motivational speakers Susan Steel of Performance Breakthrough and Grace Smith of Forge Female Fitness have been added to the speaker lineup of the forthcoming Mums At Work Elevate Your Business event.

Mums At Work is a Community interest company dedicated to empowering women in business, their Elevate Your Business events aim to uphold the vision of its late founder, Sinead Norton, by providing a supportive and nurturing environment for women in business. 

Susan Steele, the Director of Performance Breakthrough and Grace Smith, founder of Forge Female Fitness will be taking to the stage on Monday, March 25th, at the Tullyglass Hotel in Ballymena.

Susan Steele has over 14 years of experience through her own company Performance Breakthrough, which was born through her own experiences with her two sons. After experiencing first hand what happens when children do not reach their full potential, Susan knew something had to change. 

Performance Breakthrough is a company dedicated to unlocking the potential of children and adults who want to enhance their performance in sports and education, while also dealing with the root cause of emotional and behavioural issues.

In her interactive talk, “Perform It Better”, Susan will be explaining why some children have great difficulty concentrating on tasks and why some get very frustrated or anxious about the little things. She will give you practical tips on how to create a calmer home. 

Speaking about her talk, Susan explained: “I want people to come away from my talk with three main things: relief that they are good parents and that there is a scientific reason for the challenging traits their children display. 

“An understanding that there is a natural solution that will produce permanent, positive results for their children and family as a whole. And excitement that their wonderful, intelligent child can have a bright, happy future.” 

Also speaking is Grace Smith, the founder of forge female fitness. 

After losing her father at 21, and losing 156lbs within 12 months, Grace decided to help others achieve their goals and now runs three successful coaching businesses, transforming thousands of women’s lives over the last 8 years.

Forge Female Fitness is the North Coasts No.1 Ladies Training Studio, sculpting confidence, building strength and fostering community. We help women restore their confidence, health and happiness, and make positive long-term lifestyle changes, so they can take on life feeling mentally and physically strong, energised and fulfilled.

In her talk, “From Transformation To Triumph”, Grace will share how to use your background, experiences, and personality to boost your business and build a loyal community.

Speaking about her talk, Grace said: “I want people to feel inspired to use their experience and unique personality to further build their brand and business and not be scared to take risks and back themselves, along with practical tips on how to take what they’ve learnt and apply it straight into their business.”

According to Mums At Work Director Danielle Norton, Elevate Your Business is an opportunity for women to “exchange ideas, share experiences, and learn from one another”.

She added: “The purpose of the Elevate Your Business events is for women to have a chance to meet other women who are looking to grow their businesses. 

“It is a welcoming and supportive environment for women to feel comfortable and gain confidence.  We hope the attendees will make new connections, receive referrals and increase their brand visibility. We also hope they leave feeling inspired and motivated by our speakers who will give valuable insight and tips on how to take your business to the next level.”

For more information, to book a ticket or a stand at the Elevate Your Business event on March 25th go to >> or search for the event on Eventbrite.

From Motherhood to Entrepreneurship: Kerri Thompson’s Journey To Launching Visual Aids Business

By Rebecca Sayers

It was once Kerri Thompson began raising her son, Harrison, that she discovered how she could turn the challenges they faced into a way to help others. 

Having just completed the Northern Ireland Explore Enterprise Support Service (NIEESS) last year, Kerri is gearing up for her visual aid business to take off. 

With her son on a waiting list for an autism diagnosis, Kerri, 31, began thinking of ways to make his life easier, which led her to the idea of a visual aid business. 

She explained, “I started designing visual aids for his use, and I saw how well they worked and realised if they work for him then there’s other families out there that would benefit from them too.”

The service was set up by Enterprise NI and the Prince’s Trust. The service aims to help people across Northern Ireland who are economically inactive to develop their entrepreneurial and employability skills. ‘The Explore Enterprise Support Service has received £1.8m from the UK Government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund’.  

Glengormley based entrepreneur Kerri had her son Harrison, 5, in 2019, and that was when she made the decision to come out of work. She said: “He’s on a waiting list for an autism diagnosis and was having quite a lot of struggles. Even around him being in a playgroup or nursery, trying to find a job that would fit around that was impossible.” 

With NIEESS aimed at individuals who have been out of employment and those who are currently unable to start a new position due to personal circumstances, it was the perfect decision for Kerri.

Speaking about what attracted her to the service, she said: “It was Louise at Mallusk Enterprise who told me about it. I had done other programmes in the past but I still felt like I needed help and advice, so when this was brought to my attention I decided to go for it, especially as it was focussed on what I needed the most help with.

“I feel like it was really helpful. You get such a thorough look into businesses and the structure of how they’re run. Then being able to ask questions, it’s just like being in the classroom and properly learning it.” 

Designing has always been something that Kerri loved to do. Even prior to having her son, she had studied design in University, before taking a role as a visual merchandiser after graduating. 

The idea of creating her own business is something that she had thought of for a while, but kept putting it off, until six months had passed and she realised that it was time to actually do something about it. 

Talking about her business, she said: “I finally launched the business in November, with just a few products. We’re still in the testing period, but I’m mainly focusing on getting as many new products designed as possible, so that I have a bigger variety.”

Kerri knew, however, that starting a business would be difficult, but her biggest challenge was the business side of things. 

She said, “I’ve never run a business before. I had no idea about the steps to take or the different types of sole traders or legalities, so it was good to be able to get an understanding of it and support”. 

As a part of the Explore Enterprise Support Service each individual is provided with a mentor, whose role is to offer support through one on one meetings, while contributing advice and encouraging decision making. For Kerri, she believes she would have given up without the help of her mentor. 

She explained: “You get around 20 hours of one-on-one meetings so being able to go back to Louise if I haven’t got a clue about something, she will always be there to point me in the right direction and help me”. 

“If I didn’t have the support for the business side of things I would have given up.” 

Already looking ahead at what she can achieve in the future, she believes partnering with businesses and schools would be a good way to ensure neurodiverse children get as much independence as they can. 

“I would love to be able to get into schools and give them hand washing visuals and toilet visuals”, she said. 

“Even for other businesses based around neurodiversity, I would love to be able to help them out by giving them some because I know what that feels like to want the help.”

From her son being on the waiting list for a diagnosis, Kerri can see similarities in his routine within her own lifestyle. 

“I have done so many training courses for ADHD and autism and I’m seeing the similarities within my life. I use a lot of the visual aids myself, so if we need it, then I’m sure there are others that need it too.” 

The personal attachment to it, meant that Kerri was more passionate and determined to make it work, with the Explore Enterprise Support Service there to support her every step of the way. 

She explained: “Even on just a normal day here things will come up and I think of a visual aid that will help the situation so I go to my sketchbook and sketch it out. I could think of hundreds of things that would help, so my main goal at the moment is getting as much as possible, as quickly as possible, from my sketchbook to the physical copies.”

Without Explore Enterprise Support Service Kerri would have had no idea where to begin but now she is on the way to making sure it can be a bit easier for neurodivergent people to live their everyday life. 

For more information about the Northern Ireland Explore Enterprise Support Service (NIEESS) go to